Here at MP Personal Training I try to make sure that everyone is catered for, this being said I also know and understand the barriers that stand between You and Your goals, which is why I have many options open to you. One-One training, Partnered, Parent & Child (8yrs +) and Personalised Home or Gym Training plans.
All sessions are available as either 30 or 60 minute training slot.
Lets take a look at each section in more detail.
🔹️ One-One
This one is Great if you’re motivated, focused and ready to make the required changes, or you have some specifics that need some work.
🔹️ Partnered =
Perfect if you’re needing a little help with sticking to the plan, also great for holding eachother accountable between sessions. Ideally working towards similar goals, but individual barriers such as injuries are adjusted for.
🔹️ Parent & Child =
This is where things get fun, not only do you help motivate eachother, but You’re leading them on a healthier path for your future generations. I’m a huge believer of ‘Behaviour Breeds Behaviour’ and this is a great tool for this. I can train your child in these sessions from 8 years old or more, they would need to be with an adult (18+), this is down to my qualifications and of course insurance cover.
🔹️ Home or Gym Training plans = For those that are simply after some guidance I offer you this.. Not everyone requires frequent training, in most cases people just need to learn where they may or may not be going wrong. These can be reviewed monthly or ever 6weeks. As your body adapts and stops changing, you shouldn’t really leave it any longer than this between updates.
Induction Procedure
I have been doing this for over 19 years now and have found the following initial set up is a great way for our training to get started and be specific enough to get you where you want to be.
🔹️Meet & Greet = FREE 30 minutes
This just to meet and have a brief chat, let me show you the studio space and what we could be using during your training. This is Not for exercise and is simply to see if we will be able to work with eachother.
🔹️Observation Session = 60 minutes We would do a medical history form, a lifestyle assessment, cover goal setting and then do a variety of exercises so I can assess not only where you are starting from but also if you have any alignment or muscular imbalances, that could change the course to any training.
🔹️Moving Forward We would continue from there, based on your choice of service. Training would be written based on the information gathered from the previous sessions, taking into account any life barriers and the frequency of your training.
When training with me your health and safety is of utmost importance, so I would need to know of anything that happens away from training, that may change the course of your journey.
If you have any questions please get in touch using the contact form.